Tuesday, November 29, 2005

God's kindness . . . a brief rant

Ps 25:4-10

4 Show me the path where I should walk, O LORD; point out the right road for me to follow. 5 Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you. 6 Remember, O LORD, your unfailing love and compassion, which you have shown from long ages past. 7 Forgive the rebellious sins of my youth; look instead through the eyes of your unfailing love, for you are merciful, O LORD. 8 The LORD is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray. 9 He leads the humble in what is right, teaching them his way. 10 The LORD leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all those who keep his covenant and obey his decrees. NLT

Where are words?

Where shall I find a vocabulary worthy of the kindness of God?

Where can I find the language necessary to thank God for his faithful love, for his mercy, for his lovingkindness?

In every generation he has shown himself not only merciful, but faithful to the children of Adam and Eve. Sons and daughters have often received of his grace great rewards and mercies, yet so often we have ignored them, even in some cases despised them.

God in his patience has waited, he has held out empty arms to us, longing for his arms to be filled with grateful, even playful children.

He longs for us, and we despise him

He loves us, and we hate him.

He waits, we run.

The story of humanity from Genesis to Revelation is that of a patient Father searching for his wayward children. “Adam, where are you?” God continues to cry even today.

And we continue to hide—in our arrogance, our wrongful actions, and in our hurtful ways. We would rather be “right” than reconciled. We would rather be “esteemed” than accepted.

We are jerks, total idiots.

Why does God love us?

Why does he continue to show us patience and kindness?

I don’t pretend to know, but I am learning to be grateful that he does.

“Jesus loves me, this I know, because the Bible tells me so.”

What a great idea! I’m glad God thought of it. I hope in some way I can live worthy of it.

Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Photography said...

nice blog. thanks