Sunday, October 11, 2009

What's the Word? Hebrews 4:12-13

Hello all:

I teach an Adult Bible Community at Thomas Road Baptist Church (We meet in Campus North room 1880 Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m.). Our group is the G.A.P. (for Graduates and Professionals), and each week I post the outlines and discussion questions from my lessons on the G.A.P. page on Facebook. I thought it might be a good thing to share these on the blog too so as to keep it a bit more active. So, with that introduction, here is the outline and questions for our meeting on October 11. The lesson is on Hebrews 4:12-13. If you have any questions or would like to add a comment or two, that would be great!

What’s the Word?
Hebrews 4:12-13

Have you ever been promised something and not had it happen?

Has there ever been a time when someone failed to keep their word to you?
How did you respond?
What did you think of the person’s word from that point on?
Was their word “good” or not?

The Lion, The Witch, The Wardrobe
Edmond and the White Witch

A word is only as good as the character of the person who gives it

Today’s passage: Hebrews 4:12-13

Hebrews chapter 3 and 4
Chapter 3: Hard hearts kept the Jews in the wilderness from God’s rest
Chapter 4: The Word they heard did not profit them because “it was not mixed with faith” (v. 2)
Hard, unbelieving hearts do not hear with faith
Soft, faithful hearts are open to correction from God’s Word

A word is only as good as the character of the person who gives it

To trust the Word we must trust God

To know the Word we must know God who spoke it (John 1)

What do we know from this passage? Two things:
1. The Power of the Word
2. The Person of the Word

The Power of the Word
Hebrews 4:12

Characteristics of the Word
It is alive
God’s Word is a life giving seed (1 Peter 1:23) that produces new birth (John 3:1-7)

It is active (energes)—Isaiah 55:11
God’s Word is good food and nourishment (1 Peter 2:2) and produces faith (Romans 10:17)

It is sharp (like a scapel, machaira)—Ephesians 6:17

It pierces (we become undone—cf. Is. 6:5)
God’s Word has a reflecting power to show us our sin (James 1:22-25; Romans 3:23)

It analyzes, exposes, critiques, judges, assesses
It counteracts the deceiving power of sin, God’s Word exposes sin
God’s Word will separate us from our sin (Psalm 119:11), or our sin will separate us from God’s Word (Isaiah 59:2)
God’s Word cleanses us from sin (Eph. 5:26; Psalm 51:2)

How do we respond to God’s Word?
Do we let it expose what needs to be removed, or do we ignore its warnings?

A word is only as good as the character who gives it

Do we trust God?

The Person of the Word
Hebrews 4:13

God’s Word is Part of God (Psalm 18:30)
It is God’s nature to speak (Genesis 1; Psalm 119)
It is God’s nature to speak truth (John 17:17)
God’s Word is an extension of God’s person (John 1:1-5, 18; Heb. 1:1-4)

What is God’s character?
He is omniscient
Nothing is hidden from him
Not even that sin you think you hid!

He sees all as it is
Everything is naked before his eyes
No motives or thoughts remain hidden
He is the ultimate Judge

Given what was said above
How do we respond to God’s character?
Do we try to “hide” like Adam and Eve? Do we try to cover up our “mistakes” so he won’t see?

Do we properly understand God’s character?
If not, how can we get to know him better?

We will be judged by what we do in response to God’s Word and God’s character
How will we measure up?
Proverbs 30:5

A word is only as good as the character who gives it

We need to know God’s character through God’s Word

2 Timothy 3:16-17
2 Timothy 2:15
God’s Word is spoken (“breathed”) by him, and in it he reveals his unique character

We must study it in order to know and to understand who God is, what he has done, and what he expects of us

Studying God’s Word is a command, not an option

This week
Spend at least 30 minutes a day studying God’s Word (start with the Gospel of John or Psalm 119)
Spend time meditating on God and his character—spend time with him! Make an appointment and keep it
Act on what he says in his word: confess, repent, submit, tell someone else, memorize a passage—respond in a way that is obvious to others

How we respond to God’s Word reveals our character—what does your response say about you?

What is the Word of God? How can you know?

What is the capability of the Word of God?

In what sense is the Word of God living? Active? Or sharp like a sword?

How does God’s Word reveal these three characteristics to you?

How has God’s Word come alive, been active, or pierced you?

Why is your response to God’s Word important?

What is your response to God’s Word? Do others see it, or are you a “secret” disciple?

Has the Word of God failed when people reject it?

How does the Word of God help you through the wilderness times in your life?

How can you use the Word of God to help one another?

How does God see you? For what must you give account to God?

Thanks for reading!

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