Sunday, May 02, 2010

When God Comes: So You Say You Want a Real Revival? Isaiah 64:1-9

Hello all:

I teach an Adult Bible Community at Thomas Road Baptist Church called the G.A.P. (for Graduates and Professionals), and each week I post the outlines and discussion questions from my lessons on the G.A.P. page on Facebook. A while back I started posting these notes on the blog too. So, here is the outline and questions for our meeting on May 2, 2010. The lesson is on Isaiah 64:1-9 and discusses what happens when God comes into our midst. Isaiah cries out here for God to come and rend the heavens, but he acknowledges that nothing is the same when God shows up. If you have any questions or would like to add a comment or two, that would be great!

When God Comes
So, You Say You Want a Real Revival?

Isaiah 64:1-9

Changing lesson topics and serendipity: I had worked all week on a different topic, and then last night I felt compelled to change a bit

Talent show at Arts and Fun: My family and I attended the Arts and Fun end of the year show, and a couple of young ladies did an interpretive dance to the song, “I can only imagine.” This is one of my favorite songs, and it reminds me of what things will be like when we see God face-to-face. It also brought to mind the verse in 1 Corinthians that says, “Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard.” As I used my software to look up that verse, I realized that it was actually a quote from Isaiah 64. I went to Isaiah 64 and decided that God may be directing my path to this passage. I changed my lesson to share a burden I have had on my heart for a few months.

A burden on my heart
For some time now I have been burdened to pray for revival
It seems like something is bubbling just out of reach, like something is about to happen
How does it feel just before lightning strikes?

I am asking for God to come--to come and rend the heavens! Isaiah 64 gives us an idea of what will happen when God comes.

Isaiah 64—When God comes
1. Things are changed
2. Sins are exposed
3. Repentance helps

1. Things Are Changed
Isaiah 64:1-5a

This is a prayer, more specifically, a lament
a. Isaiah is concerned because of the recent exile of the people of Israel
b. He is concerned that God has “forgotten” his people and his promise
c. Chapters before 64 are not very “hopeful”
d. Things look really bad
e. Then Isaiah cries out to God this prayer: “Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down!”

What would happen if we prayed this prayer and God answered?

When God comes, things are changed

2. Things Are Shaken

Note how Isaiah understood God’s coming
The mountains quaked in his presence
a. Even things as solid as bedrock were moved
b. God’s holy presence caused a stir (“fear” anyone?)

Things come to a boil
a. Spirits are stirred
b. Stuff “bubbles” up
c. Heat is applied

Enemies and nations tremble
a. Things change on an international and national level

When God comes, things are shaken

3. Things are Remembered

Isaiah points out what God has done

Awesome things we did not expect
a. Where has God caught you by surprise?
b. Have we boxed God up so that he “cannot” surprise us anymore?
c. What do we expect from God? What if he did something we did not expect?

Ears have not heard, eyes have not seen what God will accomplish for those who “wait on him”
a. “Waiting” here contains a sense of “longing”
b. “Longing” is desire in waiting
c. What do you “long” for God to do?
d. Are you trying to “make it happen” for God so he won’t have to do it?

When God comes, his works are remembered
a. We remember God’s deeds on our behalf, and we rejoice in his righteous deeds and his holiness
b. When God shows up, we don’t focus on what we have to offer him, we focus on what he has done

As we remember his works, we know our condition

4. Sin Is Exposed
Isaiah 64:5b-9

God’s coming in this passage is also described as a “Day of the Lord” moment by Isaiah
a. This coming brings not only deliverance but also distress as God’s holiness exposes sin
b. Like a white garment with a faint stain held to the brightest light, our sins are more clearly evident when held up to God’s light (John 1:4-5; 9-12; 3:20-21)

God’s presence reveals our sin
a. If we cry for God to rend the heavens and come down, we must be prepared to also deal with our sinful condition
b. Our attempts to be righteous on our own initiative are polluted garments, filthy rags
c. We become like dried leaves blown away by our own sin

When God comes, our sin is exposed

5. Sin is Confessed

What are the sins of which we are guilty? Isaiah lists a few:
a. Lack of urgency to pray
b. Lack of a pursuit of God, to lay hold of him
c. We refuse to repent
d. We refuse to pursue a life that exhibits his character

As a result, God has hidden his face from us, he has given us up to our iniquities

When God comes, sin is confessed

6. Repentance Helps

When our sin is exposed and confessed, an attitude of repentance is needed
a. Repentance is not feeling “sorry” we sinned
b. Not feeling sorry we “got caught”
c. Repentance is turning away from the sin and turning to God
d. It is 180 degrees, not merely looking away or feeling bad

Repentance requires me to place myself at God’s disposal, not to put God at my disposal
a. He is the potter
b. I am the clay
c. Clay doesn’t have a say, it is simply malleable in the Maker’s hands

When God comes, he will get his way

What Do You Expect?
2 Chronicles 7:14 (cf. vv. 12-16)

“If my people”
a. Revival (the coming of God) is not dependant upon the actions of the lost
b. Revival (the coming of God) will only happen when God’s people repent and ask

The Background
a. Solomon built a big temple
b. Solomon asked God to come
c. God showed up, and people were stunned
d. God promised to show up wherever repentance was a way of life

When God comes, healing follows

Now What? How do we respond to these things?
What do we need besides a touch from God?
What ills attack our lives, our nation, or our church that the coming of God won’t repair?

Some things to do this week:

a. Make time to cry out to God
Remember his works
Remember his holiness
Repent where needed

b. Make time to pray
Set aside at least 10 minutes a day to simply ask God to come and heal our land
Be specific in your own life, in the life of this church, in this nation
Don’t hold out

c. Make time to share with others what God is doing
Find one person this week and share with them what God has done
Pray for that person

When God comes, things are changed forever
I don’t know about you, but I really want that!

Thanks for reading!

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