Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Who knew he lived so close?

“Christ is not speaking to the press at this time,” said West Virginia attorney A. P. Pishevar the other day. Well, there’s a thing you don’t hear every day. Mr. Pishevar was actually referring to his client, a gentleman who started out in life as Peter Robert Phillips Jr., but who subsequently changed his name to Jesus Christ as an expression of piety. That was all very well in Washington, D.C., where Mr. Christ was living at the time, but when he moved to West Virginia recently, he found himself up against stricter driver’s license requirements. His new state of abode simply will not issue a license to him as Jesus Christ, because they say the documentation on his name change is insufficient. Hence the attorney. May we offer a suggestion to Mr. Christ? Perhaps an affidavit from your Father . . ."

National Review, June 6, 2005, Vol. LVII, No. 10

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I knew that one day Jesus Christ will once again walk the Earth. Yet, I didn't picture it this way. He obviously does not understand the meaning of the title Jesus the Christ. This man cannot take on that title.