Thursday, February 23, 2006

Some random quotes . . . .

I didn't have any specific things to say today, so I thought I'd post some random quotes. Enjoy!

John Milton—"For Books are not absolutely dead things, but do contain a potency of life in them to be as active as that soul was whose progeny they are; nay, they do preserve as in a vial the purest efficacy and extraction of that living intellect that bred them." Foreword of A True-born Englishman, M. P. Willcocks (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1947).

Leigh Hunt (1784-1859)—"Give me a small snug place almost entirely walled with books."

“Never covet another person’s gift, and never despise your own.” William L. Lane

“One way to express this is to say that in order to be a living reminder of the Lord, we must walk in his presence as Abraham did. To walk in the presence of the Lord means to move forward in life in such a way that all our desires, thoughts, and actions are constantly guided by him. When we walk in the Lord’s presence, everything we see, hear, touch, or taste reminds us of him. That is what is meant by a prayerful life. It is not a life in which we say many prayers, but a life in which nothing, absolutely nothing, is done, said, or understood independently of him who is the origin and purpose of our existence.” From The Living Reminder by Henri J. Nouwen.

“As Pascal says, faith is a gift of God. It is different from the proof of it. It is the kind of faith God himself places in the heart, of which the proof is often the instrument. Faith that makes us think of credo (I believe), rather than of scio (I know). He says of it, too, that it is the heart which is aware of God, and not reason. That is what faith is: God perceived intuitively by the heart, not by reason. . . . Faith does indeed tell us what the senses do not tell, but does not contradict their findings. It transcends but does not contradict them. Pascal repeats, ‘Faith is the gift of God.’” Malcolm Muggeridge in The End of Christendom, p. 6

Basil the Great—“Truth is always a quarry hard to hunt, and therefore we must look everywhere for its tracks.” (From On the Spirit 1.1).

St. Francis—“Preach always. If necessary, use words.”

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Wayne said...

Many a professing Christian could take a lesson from Basil.